About Us
Our team at The Barefoot Consultants are passionate about your personal and professional development and believes that in order to thrive and succeed in life it is important to honour you as a whole person - mind, body, heart and spirit - so you embrace your authentic self, transform what might be holding you back and integrate new knowledge, skills, wisdom and ways of being in the world so you can thrive in all areas of your life.

Training & Development Services
Our highly experienced training and development facilitators, consultants and instructional designers are available to design and implement training programs, courses, workshops and seminars as well as develop curriculum and instructional materials that allow participants to effectively understand and integrate the knowledge and skills they need.

Business Consulting & Support Services
Our team of Business Consultants have extensive knowledge and expertise in entrepreneurship, leadership, strategic planning, change management, project development and administration, mentoring and coaching to support you in taking your business to the next level.

Counselling & Coaching Services
Our highly skilled Counsellors and Transformational Coaches offer services to support individuals, couples and families which use a holistic approach that honours the whole person - mind, body, heart and spirit - to support, encourage and guide you through your journey to heal limiting beliefs, patterns and trauma so you can integrate new ways of being in the world and thrive in all areas of your life.

Research Consultancy Services
With post graduate qualifications in criminology, social sciences and education and high level expertise in psychology, behavioural analysis, grief, loss and trauma, social sciences and education, allow our team of Research Consultants to design and implement research methods and sampling designs to meet your needs and undertake your research projects for you.

Hidalgo Villamil (Consultant, Trainer & Coach) and Leanne O'Neill (Consultant, Counsellor, Trainer, & Coach) are the backbone of Barefoot Consultants and have formal backgrounds in International Business, Marketing and Communication as well as Education, Training, Psychology & Criminology. They bring together over 30 years of professional, business and life experience to inspire, motive and support clients, entrepreneurs, business owners and organisations to follow their passion and successfully achieve their goals.

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