Hidalgo Villamil Escorcia
Hidalgo is a Consultant, Trainer & Coach who loves working with entrepreneurs, business owners and organisations to design and implement marketing strategies that are dynamic, authentic and reflect your purpose, direction and core values. With formal qualifications in International Business, Marketing and Communication and over 20 years’ experience across a variety of industries he has an understanding of different cultural backgrounds, personalities and is aware that every business has different needs and requirements. He is also a Trainer and Transformational Coach who works with bioenergetics to help clients connect with their physical, mental and emotional bodies and accept, transform any feelings that may be creating blockages and dis-ease so they can transform and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.
Leanne O'Neill
Leanne is a Consultant, Counsellor, Trainer & Coach with formal qualifications in Behavioural Science, Criminology and Education who is passionate about supporting clients to create positive and powerful change in their personal and professional lives. She has extensive experience designing, developing and facilitating high-quality engaging educational and training experiences within the University, Vocational Education and private sectors. Leanne also regularly provides expertise, advice and guidance to individuals, couples and families as a transformational coach and counsellor where she uses a holistic approach that honours the whole person - mind, body, emotions and spirit - to help people create the change they desire, integrate and heal from grief, loss and trauma so they can thrive and live healthy vibrant lives. As a researcher, Leanne has worked on various projects related to the Queensland Drug Courts, Murri Courts, leadership development, mental health to name a few and has particular interests in parapsychology and criminology. She is currently undertaking a PhD looking into the utility of mediums in advancing homicide investigations, which draws on her lived experiences supporting family members who are survivors of homicide giving her a unique perspective on the challenges they face and fueling her passion for supporting those who are affected by the sudden and traumatic death of a loved one in seeking justice.